Do you ever get that bizarre thing when you keep checking your blog to see if it has somehow been miraculously updated? I even keep checking my blog stats to see if anyone has been around and really I’m sorry to those that have been checking it and nothing new has happened. I had no idea that having a real job would do this to me. Sorry excuse I know. Anyway I’ll stop whining now.
Voltage was awesome last night. I was truly impressed by The TV Sound who I had never heard before. Even more impressive was that the lead singer was the designer – I was kinda diggin’ the newsies meets punk rock look he seemed to be going for and besides with his dancing skills and enthusiasm you couldn’t help but like it. Ouija Radio were also one of my favorites performing. It also makes me happy to see the glitter fly off the cymbals when their very cute drummer Charles gets to work. Mike Gunther and his Restless Souls were very much appropriately outfitted. I also can’t get enough of a band that uses chains against metal canister so well.
I continue to be amazed at how seriously frightening male models are (this is obviously excluding that tall cute guy named Josh that the girls in back of us yelled for while he was on the runway) but definitely includes most of the guys that were there last night and I still shudder a little bit when I think of the golden Hulk from last year’s Voltage – if you were there you know who I’m talking about. I’m always reminded of Handsome Boy Modeling School when I see male models and so mainly to keep from being terrified I just keep saying “I’m a male model! Not a male prostitute!” very indignantly over and over in my head. That always makes me giggle a little bit.
Unfortunately because of a bruised ankle in my crew we had to leave just before Olympic Hopefuls took the stage and therefore also missed the Soviettes who I haven’t seen since last summer’s Pizza Luce block party. It did however ensure that I was not late for my three hour training this morning.